
Thornbury Choral Society hold an annual workshop, practising and performing a major choral work in a day, usually in February in Thornbury Baptist Church.  This workshop gives local singers an opportunity to get to practise with a large choir under conductor Steven Kings' expert guidance and to introduce potential new members to the workings of the choir.  It also raises funds to pay for the performance of works requiring larger forces.  In addition, there is usually a retiring collection for a charity.

Please see the events pages.  For further information about our next workshop, please contact

2025 Choral Workshop
This will be on Saturday 1 March in Thornbury Baptist Church when we will be studying Brahms' Song of Destiny and Stravinsky's Symphony of Psalms.

2024 Choral Workshop
This was on Saturday 24 February in Thornbury Baptist Church, and we studied Elgar's "From the Bavarian Highlands".  We raised over £167 for Great Western Air Ambulance Charity.

2023 Choral Workshop

We studied Poulenc’s Gloria at Alveston Methodist Church on Saturday 25 February 2023.  Our soloist was Mary Pope.  The retiring collection was for

2022 Choral Workshop was postponed due to Covid

2021 Choral Workshop was postponed due to Covid

2020 Choral Workshop

We studied Selected Opera Choruses on Saturday 29 February.  The retiring collection was in aid of Jigsaw Thornbury.


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Copyright © 2024 Thornbury Choral Society